Born in 1955 in Los Angeles, CA, he received his BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1980. Previously living and working in Bolinas, California, Gregory has been fascinated with the study of old barns and silos. While he paints them from his imagination, the barns often appear so true to life and so rich in detail that they can almost be construed as photographic in nature. He works from a limited palette of whites, greys and blacks to create an often brooding landscape that invites contemplation. The barns dominate the space they are set in, commanding attention as they freeze in time that rare light before a storm. While also characterized by a richness in detail, Gregory's flowers provide a sharp contrast to the barns. They are meticulously painted in sharp luminous colors that jump out in stark contrast to the glossy black backgrounds behind them. Like the barns, these paintings are flawless, and executed with meticulous detail. Each flower is displayed alone, singled out as though spot lit on a stage. Gregory's work is included in many private and public collections including The U.S. Trust Company in New York, Microsoft Corporation, General Mills Corporation, Bank of America and Champion International Corporation, and The Denver Art Museum. The artist currently lives and works in New York.