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Joel Shapiro, Untitled, 2000

Joel Shapiro

Untitled, 2000

Painted aluminum

85 x 71 x 41 1/2 inches (7 x 6 x 3 1/2 feet)

Mark di Suvero, Zydeco, 2008-2010

Mark di Suvero

Zydeco, 2008-2010


161 x 168 x 232 inches (13 1/2 x 14 x 19 1/3 feet)

Mark di Suvero, Viva!, 1985

Mark di Suvero

Viva!, 1985

Painted steel

101 1/2 x 101 1/2 x 120 inches (8 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 10 feet)

George Rickey, Double L Excentric Gyratory - Pond, 1988

George Rickey

Double L Excentric Gyratory - Pond, 1988

Stainless steel

216 x 87 inches (18 x 7 1/4 feet)

George Rickey, Two Lines Leaning IV, 1972

George Rickey

Two Lines Leaning IV, 1972

Stainless steel

Height: 138 inches (11 1/2 feet)
Width: 66 inches (5 1/2 feet)
Blades: 96 inches (8 feet)

Tom Otterness, Mama Bear, 2011

Tom Otterness

Mama Bear, 2011


60 x 44 x 40 inches (5 x 3 2/3 x 3 1/3 feet)

Tom Otterness, Cone Measuring Sphere, 2014

Tom Otterness

Cone Measuring Sphere, 2014


89 x 72 x 43 inches (7 1/2 x 6 x 3 1/2 feet)

Pedro S. de Movellan, Bluebird, 2016

Pedro S. de Movellan

Bluebird, 2016

Aluminum painted with automotive paint & clear coat, natural hard coat anodized aluminum, stainless steel

Max height: 110 inches (9 1/6 feet); Max swing: 82 inches (6 5/6 feet)

Mark di Suvero, 1973, 2007

Mark di Suvero

1973, 2007

Cut and welded steel

37 x 43 x 24 inches (3 x 3 1/2 x 2 feet)

Press Release

Berggruen Gallery is pleased to present Sculpture in the Garden, an exhibition of outdoor works on temporary view in the Berggruen’s St. Helena garden. The exhibition brings together work by artists whom Berggruen Gallery has a long history of exhibitingcelebrating their work and the rich history of outdoor sculpture in the Bay Area. Among the exhibition highlights will be Mark di Suvero’s large-scale work Zydeco and garden-scale work Viva!, as well as George Rickey’s monumental, eighteen foot tall stainless steel sculpture Double L Excentric Gyratory - Pond. Installed throughout the garden, the works provide visitors with a chance to encounter the sculptures as they were designed to be viewed, in a natural outdoor setting that allows them to be seen from multiple angles and perspectives. Sculpture in the Garden continues Berggruen Gallery's tradition of mounting large-scale outdoor sculpture exhibitions in partnership with many artists, beginning in 1983 with an installation of Mark di Suvero's work at the then newly completed Esprit Park at Minnesota and 19th Streets in San Francisco through the first of five collaborations of public sculpture exhibitions with John and Gretchen's friends Susie and Doug Tompkins, cofounders of Esprit Décor.

Exhibiting Artists

Pedro S. de Movellan

Mark di Suvero

Tom Otterness

George Rickey

Joel Shapiro

Sculpture in the Garden will be open by appointment only. Please contact the gallery by phone at 415-781-4629 or by email to make an appointment.