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Consequences Of A Deformed Legacy
Consequences Of A Deformed Legacy 2004 oil on canvas 24 x 18 inches
A Candid And Forthcoming Sense Of Impending Doom
A Candid And Forthcoming Sense Of Impending Doom 2004 oil on canvas 72 x 78 inches
Dreaming In Revolution
Dreaming In Revolution 2004 oil on canvas 24 x 18 inches
Demoralized Demoted Bureaucrat Finds Solace In Prayer
Demoralized Demoted Bureaucrat Finds Solace In Prayer 2004 oil on canvas 24 x 18 inches
Forever And Ever And...
Forever And Ever And... 2003 oil on canvas 66 x 84 inches
Ideologically Speaking, Where Are You Today?
Ideologically Speaking, Where Are You Today? 2004 oil on canvas 48 x 48 inches
Lessons Learned and Unlearned
Lessons Learned and Unlearned 2003 oil on canvas 66 x 42 inches
Please Come Again
Please Come Again 2004 oil on canvas 72 x 60 inches
Relatively Non Discreet Use of Agression
Relatively Non Discreet Use of Agression 2004 oil on canvas 66 x 84 inches
Seeking Retaliation For A Random Thought
Seeking Retaliation For A Random Thought 2004 oil on canvas 48 x 63 inches
Self-Portrait (An Acculturation Gone Sour)
Self-Portrait (An Acculturation Gone Sour) 2004 oil on canvas 24 x 18 inches
Tinkering With The Capability Of Culpability
Tinkering With The Capability Of Culpability 2004 oil on canvas 63 x 48 inches
You're Right I'm Wrong
You're Right I'm Wrong 2001 mixed media on paper 11 x 7 inches

Press Release

Blinded by Omnipotence



By juxtaposing images, I explore the tension and dialogue between desperate images so that a synchronized, hybrid third entity appears in the work. I use images that combine iconography from both American and Cuban cultures, in particular political caricatures, advertisements, and children stories. The images are familiar yet at the same time foreign and at times antagonistic and humorous. I use images that speak of an ambivalent nostalgia. The paintings combine an impending danger blinded by its own omnipotence with the oblivious sounds of maracas at a festive party. They are narrative, yet the story is suspended with no end in sight. The works are merrily ambiguous navigating through a stream of consciences.


Juan Carlos Quintana 5/04